9th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE CHILD IN MOTION ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper INŠTITUT ZA KINEZIOLOŠKE RAZISKAVE Centro di ricerche scientifiche Capodistria ISTITUTO DI RICERCHE KINESIOLOGICHE Science and research Centre Koper INSTITUTE FOR KINESIOLOGY RESEARCH   v sodelovanju s partnerji vabi na / invites to the 9. MEDNARODNO ZNANSTVENO IN STROKOVNO KONFERENCO OTROK V GIBANJU / 9th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE CHILD IN MOTION »AKTIVNO OTROŠTVO – VZVOD ZA USPEŠNO ŽIVLJENJE« / »ACTIVE CHILDHOOD – THE LEVER OF A SUCCESSFUL LIFE«   2. - 4. OKTOBER 2017 Portorož, Slovenija Spoštovani! Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper, Inštitut za kineziološke raziskave v sodelovanju z v Mariboru, Pedagoško fakulteto organizira 9. mednarodno znanstveno in strokovno konferenc gibanju«. Gibalna/športna aktivnost je integralni del otrokovega vedenja in stalne komunik zato je nujna za skladen razvoj otroka. Današnji življenjski slog, ki ga družba oblikuje i vsekakor ne spodbuja vsakodnevne gibalne/športne aktivnosti. Še več, še več potreba po gib spremlja skozi celotno evolucijo, žal izginja. Novost konference so strokovne delavnice »Aktivni v vrtcu in šoli«, katerih namen je preds pristope, ki se uporabljajo v praksi. Konferenca se bo odvijala v Grand Hotelu Bernardin v Portorožu, od 2. do 4. OKTOBRA 2017. Več informacij najdete na spletni strani konference: https://ovg.si/?lang=sl [ URL "https: lang=sl"]   Vljudno vas prosimo, da novico o poteku konference posredujete vašim sodelavcem in kolegom tujini.   Za dodatne informacije smo vam na voljo na elektronskem naslovu ovg@zrs-kp.si [ URL "mailt Dear Colleagues! It is our great pleasure to inform you that Science and research Centre Koper, Institute f research in cooperation with University of Maribor, Faculty of Education   is organizing 9 Scientific and Professional conference »CHILD IN MOTION«. The physical activity is the int of children’s behaviour and constant communication with the environment that is why it is a harmonious development of children. Today's lifestyle, that the society designs and offe people certainly does not encourage daily physical and sport activity,furthermore, the nee accompanies the human throughout the evolution is unfortunately fading.   The novelty of the conference are technical workshops "Active in kindergarten and school", demonstrate the newer approaches that are used in practice.   The Conference will be held in Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia in 2nd to 4th OKT More detailed information is available on the Conference Website: https://ovg.si/?lang=en ovg.si/?lang=en"]   For any further details please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail ovg@zrs-kp.si [ URL kp.si"] We would be grateful if you could disseminate the news about The Conference to your colleg Vljudno vabljeni / With best regard   Assist. Prof. Tadeja Volmut Prof. Dr. Rado Pišot President of the Organising Committee President of the Scientific Committee