Compulsory vaccinations ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS OF BACHELOR'S AND SUBSEQUENT MASTER'S STUDIES - VACCINATION OF ST VIRAL HEPATITIS B (hereinafter referred to as VHB) At the beginning of the winter semester there will be a check whether all students in the physiotherapy are properly vaccinated against VHB and have enough antibodies against measl 1) Please be vaccinated before starting the proper teaching of the winter semester and hav of vaccination against VHB or resistance to infection issued. A copy of this confirmation by an authorized employee of the International Students Office and kept for possible docu- student vaccination. (The obligation to vaccinate students of the Specialization in Health against VHB is stipulated by Decree No. 355 of 17 October 2017, amending Decree No. 537/20 vaccination against infectious diseases) 2) Due to the increasing occurrence of measles in the Czech Republic and the requirements facilities for work safety, the student provides proof of a sufficient amount of antibodie measles or in case of insufficient measles antibody levels, evidence of current revaccinat childhood measles vaccination is insufficient. 3) Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 is not currently required by medical facilities during s internships, but students must undergo a current regime of anti-epidemiological measures ( testing). The university is obliged to ensure that practical teaching and practice are carried out o dents who have undergone special vaccination (vaccination against VHB) or have proof of re disease. The university is therefore obliged not to include a student who does not submit vaccination stipulated by law in the relevant teaching. Thus, the student would not be abl requirements of the school and would have to consider the possible early termination of st field. Copies of the confirmation of vaccination against VHB and a sufficient amount of antibodie vaccination against measles should ideally be submitted on the enclosed form by 30 Septemb International Students Office. In case of any ambiguity, please contact the International Student Coordinator: Mgr. Jan Procházka, PhD. (e-mail:, phone: +420 220 173 073). PhDr. Tereza Nováková, PhD. Head of the Department of Physiotherapy, Charles University, FTVS In Prague, June 25, 2021