ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT OF ESPORT ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ABOUT US | NEWS | GSPORT | MEDIA | CONTACTS ****************************************************************************************** * ABOUT US ****************************************************************************************** The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Charles University was the first public uni Czech Republic which established an esport department. Our mission is to integrate a movem and esports, with the aim of upgrading "gaming" to the level of traditional sports discipl standard is a system of coach education, youth support, organization of international and competitions, and established scientific methodologies for testing physical condition and Our goal is to become, in the combination of physical activities with gaming, a leader in worldwide arena. The department is built on 4 pillars that interconnect and complement each other. The pill • EDUCATION • SCIENCE AND RESEARCH • INCLUSION • COMPETITION AND PUBLIC EVENTS ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * NEWS ****************************************************************************************** Read what is currently happening in our department. AUGUST NEWSLETTER IN CZECH [ URL " u=598f3eee1555aeef32945db13&id=f8b587b19a "] ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * GSPORT ****************************************************************************************** GSPORT is a combination of gaming and sport and is a brand new concept not only for the fa on a worldwide range. The aim of GSPORT is not to lure gamers away from their favourite ga the door to a sports environment and motivate them to get moving. Thanks to GSPORT, player only in the online world, but also on sports fields. We believe that GSPORT gives students the opportunity to stay healthy and fit, even when t playing their favourite online games. FTVS together with its partner E4S Czech is the orga International GSPORT League of Universities [ URL ""] ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * MEDIA ****************************************************************************************** Since its beginning, the Academic Department of Esports has been seen and heard a lot not media, but also in the Czech national media. UK Forum: Popularita esportu stále roste. Patří na akademickou půdu? [ URL " nazory/8786-patri-esport-na-akademickou-pudu"] Asijská mise: UK rozvíjí své styky v Japonsku a Jižní Koreji [ URL " aktuality/8943-mise-do-asie-uk-utuzuje-styky-v-japonsku-a-jizni-koreji"] Forbes: Svaly i postřeh. Na FTVS spojili esport s pohybem a spouštějí mezinárodní ligu [ URL "http nepujdeme-proti-zdi-na-ftvs-propojuji-esport-s-pohybem-spousti-mezinarodni-ligu-a-pritahuj cele-evropy/"] Seznam zprávy: Bojovat s počítačovými hrami nedává žádný smysl, říká expert [ URL "https://www.seznamzpra sport-bojovat-s-pocitacovymi-hrami-nedava-zadny-smysl-rika-expert-231116"] Esport je svět sám pro sebe. Víc než záda trpí vztahy [ URL " esport-je-svet-sam-pro-sebe-vic-nez-zada-trpi-vztahy-232939"] Tvář českého esportu. Vypadá jako Kratos, ale umí nosit i kravatu [ URL "https://www.sezna clanek/sport-tvar-ceskeho-esportu-vypada-jako-kratos-ale-umi-nosit-i-kravatu-233843"] Česká televize: Zprávy ve 12 [ URL " CNN Prima News: CNN PRIMA GAMING [ URL ""] Kolik hráčů je v Česku? Esportová asociace se rozhodla spočítat milovníky videoher [ URL ""] První zprávy: Zdeněk Ertl: Není nad pozitivní zprávy a dobré nápady [ URL " pozitivni-zpravy-a-dobre-napady/"] Zdeněk Ertl: Nový fenomén esporty [ URL " Reporter: Dostal esport na univerzitu. „Přitom sám hry skoro nepařím,“ říká Zdeněk Ledvina [ URL "ht ledvina"] E15: E-sport je pro vysoké školy příležitost k růstu, říká vedoucí e-sportu na FTVS Ledvina [ U ftvs-ledvina-1399378"] ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************************** * CONTACTS ****************************************************************************************** If you have any questions or are interested in cooperation, please do not hesitate to cont [ URL ""] . Zdeněk Ledvina Head of Department Mobile: +420 777 934 915 Door number: H160 Lenka Deverová Project and Event Manager mob.: +420 777 994 745 Door number: H160 Petra Hospodková Manager of Scientific Activities Hana Šindlerová external collaborator Project Manager of the GSPORT League You can also follow all the latest happenings from our department on Facebook [ URL ""] | Instagram [ URL "https://www.insta esport_ftvs/"] | Twitter [ URL ""]