Egalité Mixité Intégration par le Sport 2016

The project is described in detail at:

UK FTVS is one of the 11 members of the project "Egalité Mixité Intégration par le Sport" (EMIS), coordinated by the University of Franche-Comté, France.

Through the EMIS project the University of Franche-Comté aims to take account of a problem still present in our society: the existence of some factors causing a lack of social inclusion and inequal opportunities between people. For this reason the University of Franche-Comté wishes to take advantage of the Erasmus+ opportunity to create a project which aims to support the social inclusion and struggle against inequalities in sports. The EMIS project will be localised in Franche-Comté, in Besancon, and will be a one-year project based on collaboration and exchanges between participants. It will focus on three main topics: equal opportunities between men and women, the inclusion of disabled people and different aged people.The defining moment of this project will be realized in April 2016. During five days, twelve delegations made up of students, teachers and researchers from twelve different countries will take part to two sorts of activities:- Sport activities based on social inclusion (eg: basketball for the disabled)- Conferences and scientific seminaries in which experts will share their experience in the field of social inclusion through sports. A final guidebook containing the EMIS project and its outcomes will be published and broadcasted to a large public. Thanks to this event, the UFC wants to create a network between the participants, develop new European collaborations and promote European policies and strategies in order to ease social inclusion and equal opportunities in sports. 

Poslední změna: 24. leden 2018 12:54