• News


30 June 2023

Student Point

How do we help?

We want to make study access easier for our students, help them with any kind of difficulties, or also support them so everything goes according to their study expectations. With the motto "Students to Students", which is followed not only by the members of the International Student Team, we show that the easiest way to get valuable advice and study tips or to get close to information about what is happening at the faculty, is to share experiences precisely from more experienced students to those who are still getting to know the faculty better.  


Student Point is used as an informal space that is really open to all our students and provides a place where everyone should feel welcome. Everyone knows the Study Department. The Student Point is located right across the corridor, just a few steps away towards the Creative Hub. You can also find us under door number H062.  


You can visit us!  

International Student Team organizes a lot of activities for students not only of our faculty, offering opportunities for meeting, exchanging experiences, lots of fun and, above all, combining the pleasant with the useful.  

We will be happy to present you not only Student Point, but also other activities and opportunities offered by the International Student Team.  


We follow opening hours, but you can reach us anywhere in the faculty or you can contact us personally if you have any questions.  

Monday 13.00 - 15.00  

Thursday 13.00 - 15.00  

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