• Sports Ethics Research Centre

Sports Ethics Research Centre


The Centre brings together sport philosophers, sport ethicists, MAISI students, doctoral students, visiting scholars and associated members to promote collaborative research on contemporary ethical and conceptual issues in sport.

The mission of the centre is:

- to promote collaborative research on contemporary ethical problems in sport.

- to contribute to public discussion and policy development at national and international levels;

- to develop research outputs of high quality;

- to participate in national and international sports ethics projects.


The team focuses on applied sports philosophy and applied sports ethics, especially topics such as the categorization of athletes in sport (sex, age, weight, dis/ability), issues in parasport, contemporary problems in female sport, ethical problems in the use of social media by athletes, corruption in sport, sport and technology, democratic governance of sport organizations, moral education and theory of Olympism, body ecology and the quality of athletes’ experiencing in sport, and ethics of the outdoors and martial arts/combat sports.


Academic Staff

Irena P. Martínková

Jim Parry

Klara Daďová

Michal Vágner

Doctoral Candidates at FTVS

Whitney Bragagnolo:

Sport Integrity Responsibilities of Mega Event Bidding Hosts & Owners

Jacob Giesbrecht:

Social Media and Freedom of Expression in Sport

Olivia Howe:

Oppression versus Empowerment:

A Philosophical Analysis of Female Participation in Sport

Breana McCoy:

Towards Democratic Sports Systems –

Examining the Concept of Stakeholder Democracy

Qian Wang:

Temporality and embodiment of the human being in contemporary sport and movement practices

Anna van Dijk:

Towards Sustainable Paralympic Games

Ladislav Mravec:

Threats to sport – gambling, match-fixing and corruption

Petr Kříž:

Phenomenological understanding of the body, movement and pain, and its consequences for practice

Matyáš Kubů

Gender a pohlaví ve sportu a v tělesné výchově – inkluze transgender osob do sportovního prostředí (Gender and sex in sport and physical education – inclusion of transgender people in the sport environment)

Michal Zapala:

Filosofické a etické nahlížení hodnot ve sportu skrze vzdělávací proces (Philosophical and ethical view of values in sport through educational proces)

Doctoral candidates elsewhere

Theo Poliopoulos:

Doctoral candidate in Univ of Peloponnese, Greece (co-supervisor J. Parry) 2017-2022 (PhD. awarded)

Good governance in football organisations from an ethical perspective and a proposal for Greek football’s reformation

Damien Parry:

Doctoral candidate in Univ of Canberra, Australia (co-supervisor J. Parry) 2021-present

The inclusion/fairness dichotomy: Understanding the tension between inclusion and fairness within sport

Visiting Scholars

Neslihan Feliz

(Turkey) 2022-23, post-doc

Mateus Ludwiczak

(Poland) 2022-23, doctoral placement

Associate Members

Alberto Reppold

Professor, UFRGS Porto Alegre, Brazil

(Book project collaborator)

Pete Allison

Penn State University, USA

(Book project collaborator)

Miroslav Imbrisevic

Heythrop College, University of London, UK


Simon Robinson

Professor, Leeds Met Univ, UK


Lynley Anderson

Professor, University of Otago, New Zealand


Taryn Knox

University of Otago, New Zealand


Marcus Campos

Post-doctoral fellow, KU Leuven


Catherine Ordway

Assoc Prof at University of Canberra, Australia

(Co-supervisor, Co-author)

Kostas Georgiadis

Prof at University of the Peloponnese, Greece


Mike McNamee

Professor at KU Leuven and Swansea Uni, Belgium/UK

(Co-author and MAiSI director)

Angela Schneider

Professor at Western Uni, Canada

(Prague MAiSI teacher)

Sigmund Loland

Professor at NIH Oslo, Norway

(Prague MAiSI teacher)

Silvia Camporesi

Assoc Prof at Kings College, London, UK

(Prague MAiSI teacher)

Andy Harvey

Assoc Prof at Swansea, Wales, UK

(Prague MAiSI teacher)

Cesar Torres

Professor, SUNY Brockport, USA

(Prague MAiSI teacher)

International cooperation

Collaborative Teaching 2020-2022

  1. MAOS, University of the Peloponnese, Greece - Master’s Degree Programme in Olympic Studies, Olympic Education, Organization and Management of Olympic Events. Teaching Unit M1.4 - Philosophy and Ethics

  2. MAHPA, University of Foro Italico, Rome, Italy - Master’s Degree Programme in Health and Physical Activity. Teaching on Research Methodology module.

  3. International Olympic Academy, Ancient Olympia, Greece – teaching at various sessions: Postgraduate Session, Main International Session, and Session for NOCs and NOAs.


  1. Collaboration (teaching and admin) on the Erasmus Mundus MA in Sports Ethics and Integrity (2017-2025), alongside 5 partners: KU Leuven, JGU Mainz, UPF Barcelona, UoPeloponnese, Swansea, UK. Funded by a €7million EU grant.

  2. Research collaboration within the Cooperatio project (funded by Charles University) on fundamental ethical problems of contemporary sport, from the perspective of analytic philosophy

  3. Grant Agency of Charles University (GAUK) funded projects 2022-2023

    Whitney Bragagnolo:

    Power, Sex & Corruption in Sport

    Breana McCoy:

    Towards Democratic Sports Systems – Examining the Concept of Stakeholder Democracy

    Qian Wang:

    What does the body mean to us? Merleau-Ponty's concept of Embodiment in understanding esports and traditional Chinese movement practices

  4. Post-GAUK funded project 2022-2023

    Olivia Howe:

    The Impact of Coercive Sex Segregation in Women's "Basket" Sports

  5. Strategic partnership projects of Charles University with University of Melbourne 2018-2022

International Publications 2017-23









Last change: February 21, 2024 12:46 
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