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20 February 2018


What is MAiSI?

The MAiSI is a two year Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Sports Ethics and Integrity. The programme is an innovative multidisciplinary programme that will be a catalyst for a new profession within sports administration. It brings together high level scholars in a consortium of Higher Education Institutions with a focus on vocationally orientated concerns. MAiSI will equip students for high-level careers in sports administration and governance, concentrating on the development of stronger ethical sports cultures, and developing tools for sports integrity and compliance. Students will receive training that enables them to identify ethical issues, engage in ethical thinking, and translate decisions into ethical actions - the three core skills required to develop sports integrity.

MAiSI from PROWEB Digital Agency on Vimeo.

Semester 1 comprises advanced study of sports ethics, ethical theory, and sports policy and practice, including anti doping, illegal gambling and match fixing at SU.

Semester 2 focuses on the experience of sport as a social practice in terms of values and norms such as athlete welfare, child protection and safeguarding, equality, integrity and fair play across abled bodied and Paralympic sport delivered by staff from CUNI and KUL. Students also gain research methods knowledge and competences, and will gain a sophisticated appreciation of Olympic and Paralympic philosophy, ethics and organisation (UoP). A summer school is run by (UoP) where students from both years mix to form a Sport Integrity network community, where common themes and interests are pursued, and where Year 1 students are matched by research topic to their supervisors from within the Consortium.

In Semester 3 the MAiSI focusses on organisational issues of sports ethics and integrity focusing on economic, legal and managerial aspects and instruments for the good governance of sport (JGU and UPF). Student also commence their dissertation studies in this semester, and focus on it during Semester 4 where they are hosted by consortium partners in relation to their subject specialism.

The MAiSI will support students in developing a sophisticated ethical mind-set and a range of transferable skills that are indispensable for addressing the ethical and integrity issues facing national and international sporting federations, national Olympic and Paralympic Committees with a focus on: Anti-doping and drugs education, Child protection and children's rights, Equity, diversity and inclusion, Equality and anti-discrimination, Fair Play, justice and human rights, Global sports governance, Illegal and irregular gambling, Legislation and codes of conduct, Match-fixing and sport manipulation, Olympism and Paralympism, Sport, Peace and The Olympic Truce, Youth Olympics, ethics and education.

The MAiSI graduates will benefit from opportunities to undertake practical placements within the partner's extensive network of advisory bodies, federations, non-governmental organisations, policy-makers and commercial organisations, as well as from extensive international collaboration and training opportunities, preparing them for decisively taking moral responsibility from the inside and the outside of the sports world.

Horizontal and Sectorial Priorities

The EMJMD in Sports Ethics and Integrity [MAiSI] promotes

(i) the assessment of sports ethics and integrity transversal skills: the nuanced identification of the nature and content of ethically salient issues; critical engagement in ethical dialogue and thinking; and the capacity to translate decisions into ethical actions, plans and policies; and

(ii) the development of partnerships with sport stakeholders to enhance the good governance of sports through these competences.

More information at maisi-project.eu or Erasmus Mundus Masters Degree

Download the Sports & Ethics Brochure

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