• Department of Physiotherapy

Department of Physiotherapy

About Us

The study programs of physiotherapy and orthotics - prosthetics prepares students primarily for the needs of health care in the field of comprehensive rehabilitation care for the sick and disabled.

The study programs are organized in cooperation with other departments of UK FTVS and with a number of top clinical departments. The Department of Physiotherapy provides teaching of the main subjects and coordinates the activities of the cooperating departments of the field of study of physiotherapy in the Czech and English language courses of full-time study and the branch of orthotics - prosthetics in the combined form of study.

Head of Department:

PhDr. Tereza Nováková Ph.D.


Department of Physiotherapy UK FTVS

Building C, 1st floor

José Martího 31

162 52 Prague 6 - Veleslavín

Last change: June 8, 2022 22:24