Techniques are used to escape from various grips that may occur in a self-defense situation and to achieve an optimal distance from the opponent.

Wrist grip

This type of attack presents a threat especially to women. In case of a weaker opponent, it is possible to twist the hand against the opponent´s thumb.  

In case of a stronger opponent, it is important not to attempt twisting, but rather go for a straight strike. The power of a strike is derived from the whole body and the power of the opponent´s pull.

Wrist grip

Wrist grip

Grabbing clothes

Grabbing clothes is a very common type of an attack. In case of a frontal attack, it is necessary to press opponent´s hand against your chest and strike opponent´s face. Then proceed either by a knee strike or just by pushing the opponent away and establishing a safe distance.

In case of an attack from behind, it is necessary to turn in the direction of the shoulder that is being grabbed towards the opponent. A counterattack than follows.

Grabbing clothes

Grabbing clothes


While being choked from the front, it is necessary to raise one arm and tightly press opponent´s arm between your neck and shoulder. Movement is accompanied by a torso rotation and a side step. It is important to perform a counterattack for safety reasons.

In case an attack is coming from the side, it is necessary to free your neck with one hand to secure breathing and perform an attack with the other hand to the opponent´s groin. The confrontation is over when a safe distance from the opponent is secured.

In case of an attack from behind, it is good to raise both hands above the shoulder level and position them in front of the head. After stepping forward, turning to the opponent and counterattack follow.





Headlock is a very popular way of attack in all violent situations and it is thus necessary to know the basic principles of defense against it. If headlock is applied, attacker is able to control the body of a victim and eventually choke him/her or take him/her down.

In a situation where a headlock is applied, it is necessary to position oneself perpendicularly to the attacker, turn the head towards attacker´s body and lift shoulders. Loosening crotch punch with the front hand and pulling attacker´s head back by gripping his nose with the back hand follows. After attacker´s stability has been compromised, defender can straighten up and carry out a counterattack.

In case of a very strong attacker, it is possible to embrace him around his hips after the loosening punch and pull him back to the ground.

When an attacker wants to throw their victim to the ground, it is necessary to be faster in the rolling forward and secure a dominant position after the roll. After that we again pull attacker´s head back and escape the headlock.




Bear Hug

If an attacker hugs his victim from behind around victim´s hands, it is necessary to perform a loosening punch along the body to the crotch. Subsequently, lower the center of gravity and gain space for the elbow strike to the ribs. After turning around to the opponent, it is easier to perform a counterattack and gain a safe distance.

To defend against a bear hug under hands, it is suitable to lean forward and use a combination of elbow strikes to the head. After distracting the opponent, it is easier to turn around and commence a counterattack.

Bear Hug

Bear Hug

Last change: January 13, 2020 16:31 
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