In self-defense, we use a basic combat stance which is characterized by good stability. Our dominant hand is opposite our front leg. We hold our hands in front of the body with the open palms in a position that makes it easy to perform strikes and blocks.

Straight strikes

Straight strikes are led along the shortest possible trajectory forward in conjunction with the hip rotation to use the full weight of the body. The striking area is a palm heel to prevent a possible joint injury. One hand always stays near the face to block potential attack.

Straight strikes


A slap is a very natural striking technique with a minimal risk of injury. The strike is aimed at the chin or an ear for greater efficiency. Torso rotation ensures adequate use of force.



Blocks are necessary for covering opponent´s attacks. It is important to press arm to the side of the face and tighten the abdominal muscles.



In case one has a sufficient cardio and fitness potential, it is possible to avoid opponent´s attacks by ducking. However, it is important to constantly have opponent in sight and keep straight back. The stance is still stable enough.


Crash in

The technique is used for transitioning from defense to offense. However, it can also be used on its own to distract an opponent and gain time for escape. It is effective to aim the technique at the opponent´s head.

Crash in

Last change: January 13, 2020 16:33 
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