Every self-defense situation may result in the fall of one of the participating parties. Typical rules of the stance fighting most often do not apply here.

Movement on the ground

An important skill is the ability to turn your legs towards an opponent to ensure defense by kicking. Hands are not involved in the movement as they provide head cover.

Movement on the ground

Guard position

The advantage of guard lies in the possibility of using your legs to manipulate the opponent. The victim adjusts his/her hip position and joins the knees together. From this position it is easy to use several kicks and technically stand up.

Guard position

Escape from Mount

This position belongs to one of the most difficult situations that can be encountered in self-defense. Victim´s legs are isolated and almost can not be used. In such case it is necessary to press one arm of the opponent to the chest and carry out bridging to the same side. After that it is easier to use several kicks to opponent´s body and technically stand up.

Flexible individuals can hook their legs in opponent´s armpits and slide out underneath the attacker.

Escape from Mount

Escape from Mount

Last change: January 13, 2020 16:31 
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