Study literature

Being a university student requires a lot of reading for your classes, exams and tests. There are books you can borrow in our library, or you will be given study literature by your teachers. However, if you are serious with the profession you have chosen, you are recommended to buy some selected volumes that are crucial for your degree, and will be your guide at any point of your future career.

Anatomy and Physiology will be the base of your knowledge, o­ne of the below-written books is recommended:

  • Moore, K. L., Dalley A.F., Moore, P.: Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Paperback Older Edition. ISBN: 0683061410

or any book of anatomy written by HENRY GRAY, e.g. Gray's Anatomy of Human Body.

If you are an applicant for Physiotherapy or our current Physiotherapy student, please click HERE to see the list of physiotherapy-related literature.

See the list of literature written below. The list shows the books all physiotherapy students are recommended to buy, as they represent the prerequisite base of the program. If you are very serious about the profession you have chosen, then these are the volumes every physiotherapist should have.

1st Year:

  • Kendall, F.P., Mc Creary, E, K.: Muscles: Testing and Function.

  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 4th edition. ISBN: 0-683-04576-8

  • Norkin C.C., Whihe D.J.: Measurement of joint motion: a guide to goniometry.

  • F.A.Davis, Philadelphia 2002. ISBN:0-803-60972-8

  • Prentic, W.E.: Therapeutical Modalities for Sports Medicine and Athletic Training.

  • McGraw – Hill. 5th edition, 2003. ISBN 0072462116

The following years:

  • Carr J., Shepherd R.: Neurological Rehabilitation.

  • Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, Boston 1998, ISBN: 0-7506-0971-0

  • Chaitow L.: Muscle Energy Techniques.

  • Churchill Livingstone, New York, Edinburg, London 2001, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0-443-06496-2

  • Kapandji I.A.: Physiology of the Joints Vol. 1 – The Upper Limb.

  • Churchil Livingstone, New York 1982. ISBN: 0-443-02504-5

  • Kapandji I.A.: Physiology of the Joints Vol. 2 – The Lower Limb.

  • Churchil Livingstone, New York 1988. ISBN: 0-443-03618-7

  • Kapandji I.A.: Physiology of the Joints Vol. 3 – The Trunk and the Vertebral Column.

  • Churchil Livingstone, New York 1974. ISBN: 0-443-01209-1.

  • Liebenson C.: Rehabilitation of the Spine.

  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1st edition, ISBN: 0-683-05032-X

  • Lewit, K.: Manipulative Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System.

  • Butterworth-Heinemann; 3. edition, ISBN: 0-750-62964-9

  • Voss D.E. et al.: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation – patterns and techniques.

  • Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York 1985. 3rd edition. ISBN 0-06-142595-8

  • Travell J.G., Simons D.G.:Myofacial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual – The Upper Extremities, Vol. 1, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Hong Kong, London 1982, ISBN: 0-683-08366-X

  • Travell, J.,Simons, D: Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual – TheLower Extremities, Vol. 2: LippincottWilliams & Wilkins, Baltimore,Hong Kong, London 1983 ISBN: 0-683-08367-8

Last change: July 15, 2019 10:27