Final examinations – Bachelor/Master degree

The Final Examination - Bachelor Degree


1. Presentation of the final bachelor thesis

  • students are expected to present the crucial points and results of their bachelor thesis (PowerPoint presentation is recommended) to the examination board (max. 10 minutes)

  • after the student has presented the thesis, the consultant announces his/her assessment of the thesis

  • followingly, also the opponent announces his/her assessment of the thesis

  • if the consultant or the opponent are not present at the presentation, their reviews will be read and their assessment announced

  • thesis-related open, public duscussion

  • public discussion is followed by "non-public" discussion o­n the final assessment and the resulting grade is voted (excellent - very good - good - failed)

NOTE: discussion the consultant's and opponent's reviews must be available 3 days prior the term of the theoretical components. Students can claim the reviews at the Physiotherapy Dept., secretary's office

  • After the "non-public" discussion has finished, the examination board announces the final assessment of the bachelor thesis to the student concerned

Students who go through the presentation procedure successfully and pass this component of the final examination, are invited to continue with the theoretical examination immediately after the presentation. Students who fail the presentation and receive negative assessment are not allowed to continue neither with the theoretical examination, nor the practical component of the final examination.

2. Theoretical final state exam (consists of 4 subject areas)

Clinical Kinesiology



Pathological Physiology and Sports Medicine

Students "draw" o­ne question (one topic area) of each subject (Students are assigned two queastion of Pathological Physioogy and Sports Medicine, and 3 questions of Physiotherapy), which may be further specified by the examination board.

  • students answer the questions in the order given by the examination board

  • each subject (part of the theoretical examination) is assessed independently. If failed, students repeat just the subject (part) they failed in; the failed part is repeated at the following legal term (according to the UK FTVS Study and Examination Rules)

NOTE: despite failing any part of the theoretical examination (except for the thesis presentation), students are allowed to continue with the practical component.


Final state exam: Physiotherapy

The Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in a patient/client assessment, outlining, determining and applying the appropriate physiotherapeutic methods in the patient/client concerned (the diagnosis is always stated by a doctor). The knowledge and skills tested are based o­n the bachelor degree program in Physiotherapy.

How the examination is taken:

  1. Students obtain a patient’s medical history with all relevant reports to be examined.

  2. Preparation with a patient – students are given 30 minutes to:

    • provide the patient assessment from the physiotherapy-related point of view

    • make differential analysis

    • outline physiotherapeutic procedures based o­n the assessment and differential analysis

  3. Examination: takes approximately 30minutes - students are required to present the following:

    • results of assessment/examination and differential analysis

    • outline of the objectives and physiotherapeutic procedures

    • application of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in a given patient

  4. Protocol: after meeting all requirements of the examination, the students elaborate a protocol describing the patient’s diagnosis, all examination techniques applied, differential analysis and outline of the physiotherapeutic procedures. The protocol is submitted to the board of examiners and is enclosed in the Final Examination Protocol.

The Result: The assessment is made by the board of examiners and is announced o­n the same day the examination is taken.

Recommended Literature: the same literature is recommended as refers to the course of Remedial Rehabilitation.

The Final Examination - Master Degree


1. Presentation of the final diploma thesis and the thesis defense

student presents to the examining committee the crucial points and results of their master's thesis (recommended presentation in PowerPoint, max. 7-10 minutes);

after the student's presentation, the supervisor of the thesis and subsequently the opponent of the thesis report their opinions; if the supervisor, opponent or consultant is not personally present in the defense, their opinions are read in full;

the public student's discussion with the members of the examination committee is followed by a “non-public” discussion about the final evaluation and the final grade is announced to the student.

NOTE: the reports of the supervisor and the opponent of the thesis are available in the SIS at least 3 days before the date of the theoretical state final exams.

A student who successfully completes the defense of his / her diploma thesis continues the theoretical examination immediately after the presentation of the diploma thesis. A student who does not defend his / her diploma thesis does not continue in the other exams.

2. Theoretical final state exam (consist of 3 subjects areas)

Human Biomechanics

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Special and Developmental Kinesiology

The student draws one question (thematic area) from each subject of theoretical state exam, which can be further specified by the examination committee.

The student answers the questions in the order determined by the examination committee. Each subject is is assessed independently. If the student is not successful in the exam, he / she repeats only the subject he / she failed to pass successfully in the following term.

NOTE: Despite failure in any part of the theoretical examination (with the exception of the defence of the thesis), students may continue in the practical part of the final exam.


Final state exam: Physiotherapy

The Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in a patient/client assessment, outlining, determining and applying the appropriate physiotherapeutic methods in the patient/client concerned (the diagnosis is always stated by a doctor). The knowledge and skills tested are based o­n the bachelor and master degree program in Physiotherapy.

How the examination is taken:

  1. Students obtain a patient’s medical history with all relevant reports to be examined.

  2. Preparation with a patient – students are given 30 minutes to:

    • provide the patient assessment (examination) from the physiotherapy-related point of view

    • make differential analysis

    • outline physiotherapeutic procedures based o­n the assessment and differential analysis

  3. Examination: takes approximately 30minutes - students are required to present the following:

    • results of assessment/examination and differential analysis

    • outline of the objectives and physiotherapeutic procedures

    • application of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in a given patient

  4. Protocol: after meeting all requirements of the examination, the students elaborate a protocol describing the patient’s diagnosis, all examination techniques applied, differential analysis and outline of the physiotherapeutic procedures. The protocol is submitted to the board of examiners and is enclosed in the Final Examination Protocol.

The Result: The assessment is made by the board of examiners and is announced o­n the same day the examination is taken.

Recommended Literature: the same literature is recommended as refers to the course of Remedial Rehabilitation.

Last change: February 17, 2020 09:27