Clinical work placement

Clinical work placement

Clinical Work Placement supervisor is a staff member of the Department of Physiotherapy, who will provide you with detailed clinical work placement guidelines and answer all you questions concerning your placement and written documents required. The supervisor is responsible for the final assessment of the student’s clinical work placement and thus is the only person to award credits. The assistant professor appointed a CWP supervisor is PhDr. Lenka Žáková, PhD.

The general schedule of the Clinical Work Placement is as follows:

  • Bachelor degree students studying their 1st year undertake Clinical Work Placement I during summer time (July - August), students studying their 2nd year undertake Clinical Work Placement II also during the summer time (July - August), and students studying their final, 3rd year undertake Clinical Work Placement III before the final semester starts (January – February). Both, Clinical Work Placement I and II take the minimum of 4 consecutive weeks, in total 160 hours. Clinical Work Placement III takes 4 consecutive weeks, 4 hours a day, i.e. in total of 80 hours and forms the basis for Bachelor thesis.

  • Master degree students studying their 1st year undertake Clinical Work Placement I also during the summer time (July - August).

Clinical Work Placement (CWP) requirements:

  • attendance in seminars related to CWP

  • the Clinical Work Placement supervisor must be informed by Application form of CWP (uploaded to Moodle application according to supervisor’s instruction) about the place and date the clinical placement will be taken, by February 28, each academic year at the latest (this instruction does not refer to the 3rd year students).

  • 100% involvement in the practical duties on the everyday basis

  • documents (materials) required for credit must be submitted in the written form according to the specification for individual years of study

  • confirmation of the clinical practice completion. The confirmation must include the name of the institution where the practice was undertaken; term of completion: from – to; specification of the activities; supervisor’s name and his position in the institution/workplace including the contact such as e-mail, tel./fax. The confirmation must bear the seal of the institution.

  • a copy of the attendance list with the practice assessment must be submitted personally (the original is submitted just to verify the copy) in the terms announced in September each academic year

  • Clinical Work Placement can neither be transferred to the following year of the study, nor divided into parts during the given academic year.

Specification of credit requirements for individual years of study:

BSc. students of the 1st year - practice description on the daily basis + 1 case study


Practice description on the daily basis elaborated according to a recommended model (see the attachment). The description must include basic personal and medical history details of the patient concerned: gender, age, physical height and weight, BMI (body mass index), occupation, basic diagnosis, the therapy indicated by the doctor, the course of the therapy application – the patient’s reaction to the therapy applied, description of the exercise units undertaken by the patient under your leadership. In health-related physical education performed with groups of patients the description will be related to the whole group - individual description for each patient is not required. Students are requested to elaborate an individual report on each patient they have worked with within their summer clinical practice. It must be signed by the supervisor, who is responsible for all information to be correct, as far as the form and content is concerned.


The case study refers to one patient and describes the therapy course within the whole length of the practice. The description is given by the same principles as they are given for “Rehabilitation Practice Record”: the patient’s medical history, previous rehabilitation, records from the patient’s file, indication for rehabilitation, differential arguments, entry kinesiological analysis, examination conclusion, the goal of the therapy, therapy outline (a short-term plan), check-up at every patient’s appointment (subjective and objective measures), the therapy applied + course of the therapy, self-therapy, long-term plan, the final kinesiological analysis, assessment of the therapy effect, conclusion, prognosis, notes.

Every-day report and the case study (all documents) referring to the practice must be signed by the supervisor, who is responsible for diagnostic and therapeutic methods to be exercised correctly.

BSc. students of the 2nd year– 3 case studies+ professional characteristics of the institution/work place


The case studies refer to 3 patients and describe the therapy course within the whole length of the practice. The description is given by the same principles as they are given for “The Protocol of Rehabilitation Practice”: the patient’s medical history, previous rehabilitation, records from the patient’s file, indication for rehabilitation, differential arguments, entry kinesiological analysis, examination conclusion, the goal of the therapy, therapy outline (a short-term plan), check-up at every patient’s appointment (subjective and objective measures), the therapy applied + course of the therapy, self-therapy, long-term plan, the final kinesiological analysis, assessment of the therapy effect, conclusion, prognosis, notes.

All documents referring to the practice must be signed by the supervisor, who is responsible for diagnostic and therapeutic methods to be exercised correctly.


Professional characteristics of the institution/work place, where the practice was undertaken(type and capacity of the institution, professional background, specification of the therapy and devices used, specialization of the institution, cooperation with insurance companies)..

BSc. students of the 3rd year - bachelor thesis

  • Students are required to elaborate 1 case study of a selected patient (see guidelines for bachelor thesis), which will be included in the practical part of their bachelor thesis. The diagnosis, the case studywill be based on, will be assigned by the head physiotherapist (or the deputy to the head physiotherapist) at the work place concerned on the first day the practice starts, based on the current patients receiving the care of the institution.The form and content of the bachelor thesis must be consulted with the thesis advisor – member of the Dept. of Physiotherapy of UK FTVS.

MSc. students of the 1st year


The case studies refer to 3 patients and describe the therapy course within the whole length of the practice. The description is given by the same principles as they are given for “The Protocol of Rehabilitation Practice”: the patient’s medical history, previous rehabilitation, records from the patient’s file, indication for rehabilitation, differential arguments, entry kinesiological analysis, examination conclusion, the goal of the therapy, therapy outline (a short-term plan), check-up at every patient’s appointment (subjective and objective measures), the therapy applied + course of the therapy, self-therapy, long-term plan, the final kinesiological analysis, assessment of the therapy effect, conclusion, prognosis, notes.

All documents referring to the practice must be signed by the supervisor of the intershi ()in the hospital), who is responsible for diagnostic and therapeutic methods to be exercised correctly.


min. 3 pages of a specialized seminar paper [a new method applied in the given work place, specific therapeutic methods, etc., elaborated according to all formal standards referring to professional texts (literature references according to the citation standards.)]

Duties of students:

  • participation in the seminars related to the Clinical Work Placement

  • the Clinical Work Placement supervisor must be informed of the place and date the clinical placement will be taken, by February 28, each academic year at the latest (this instruction does not refer to the 3rd year students).

  • absence from the practice due to illness must be confirmed by a medical report – all hours or days of absence must be compensated (in dependence on the instructions of the workplace), otherwise the Clinical Work Placement has to be terminated and undertaken again in another term.

  • the Clinical Work Placement supervisor must be informed of any problems or difficulties that, due to objective reasons, can not be dealt with by the student concerned independently:

personally: office no. C122, block C, 1st floor, or the secretary’s office of the Dept. Of Physiotherapy, UK FTVS Prague

telephone: 220172240, 220172193, fax: 242 454 711


• all changes must be announced immediately to the Clinical Work Placement supervisor, and any other staff member of the Dept. of Physiotherapy of UK FTVS Prague

• at the final credit appointment, the following documents must be personally submitted:a copy of the completed list of attendance with the student’s assessment, protocols/case studies (approved by the clinical practice supervisor), seminar papers etc., all elaborated according to the credit requirements for individual years of study. The credit is awarded by the Clinical Work Placement supervisor, an assistant professor of the Dept. of Physiotherapy of the UK FTVS Prague. The credit is granted only if all credit requirements have been met in the terms given by the regulations.

In case of any misunderstanding, please contact your supervisor.

PhDr. Lenka Žáková, PhD.

Clinical Work Placement Supervisor

Department of Physiotherapy, UK FTVS

Last change: June 22, 2022 14:23