
Physiotherapy is offered as a Bachelor and Master Degree programme.

Bachelor Degree (3 years full-time)


An excellent starting point for those who wish to pursue a career as a physiotherapist. This programme benefits from the expertise of well qualified staff, many of whom are healthcare professionals and scientists. The faculty provides a perfect environment, alongside with great equipment for students to practise their future profession.

The physiotherapist - bachelor degree holder - is qualified for a paramedical health care profession. S/he is allowed to provide physiotherapy-related treatment within preventive, diagnostic, remedial and rehabilitation care in physiotherapy, which can be provided in medical facilities of all types, including rehabilitation institutions and specialized departments, social care facilities, spas and sports facilities. The physiotherapist is endowed with practical skills applicable within the full extent of physiotherapy, abilities to act independently and use a broad spectrum of physiotherapeutic methods and procedures, including therapeutic procedures based on physical agents. S/he is able to assess the effect of the therapy applied. The therapist is equipped with knowledge and skills, which comply with the WCPT(World Confederation for Physical Therapy) regulations.

Master Degree (2 years full-time)

Applied Physiotherapy

The applicants must have a Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy involving equivalent professional qualification, which corresponds to our Bachelor programme. Graduates from approved universities providing Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy outside of the Czech Republic may be offered an individual study plan, which would minimize any programme differences.

The physiotherapist - Master degree holder - is a highly educated healthcare specialist qualified for specialized physiotherapeutic care within preventive, diagnostic, remedial and rehabilitation care in physiotherapy, which can be provided in medical facilities of all types, including rehabilitation institutions and specialized departments, social care facilities, spas and sports facilities. The physiotherapist is endowed with the abilities to act independently and use a broad spectrum of physiotherapeutic methods and procedures, including therapeutic procedures based on physical agents. S/he is able to assess the effect of the therapy applied. S/he has the appropriate professional background for practical and theoretical educational leadership. The therapist is equipped with knowledge and skills, which comply with the WCPT (World Confederation for Physical Therapy) regulations.

The Master programme provides specialized courses focused on reflex therapeutic methods according to Bobath, Vojta, Lewit and Kabat, lymphatic drainage techniques and treatment of functional female infertility according to Mojzisova.

There is a compulsory research method course, where students are required to undertake a tutored research project that usually forms a base for their Master thesis.

Last change: November 13, 2024 13:23