In 1998-2003 she studied at the UK FTVS, where she obtained a Master's degree in physiotherapy Mgr.
In 2015-2020 she studied for a doctoral degree in Kinantropology, where she received her Ph.D.
In 2021, she obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhDr.
Since 2003 she has been working in the field of physiotherapy in outpatient facilities.
Since 2013 she has been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Physiotherapy at UK FTVS.
Dynamic posturography in sports and clinical applications
Jebavy, R., Baláš, J., Vomackova, H., Szarzec, J., & Stastny, P. (2020). The Effect of Traditional and Stabilization-Oriented Exercises on Deep Stabilization System Function in Elite Futsal Players. Sports, 8(12), 153.
Karšayová, K., Pavlů, D., & Vomáčková, H. (2020). Comparison of the Level of Dynamic Postural Stability of Climbers and the Recreational Sports Performing population. International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 9(8). 195-201.
Vomáčková, H., Pavlů, D., & Pánek, D. (2020). Hodnocení dynamické posturální stability – tvorba referenčních hodnot pro běžnou, mladou populaci v ČR. Rehabilitace a fyzikální lékařství, 27(2), 3–8. 99-107.
Vomáčková, H., Čermáková, K., Pavlů, D., & Pánek, D. (2020). Hodnocení efektu 5-ti týdenní intervence s využitím vizuálního biofeedbacku u pacienta s unilaterální transfemorální amputací dolní končetiny - případová studie. Rehabilitace a fyzikální lékařství, 27(3). 126-141.