She studied at UK FTVS, where she obtained a Bachelor's degree (2005) and then a Master's degree (2007) in Physical and occupational education
of the disabled.
In 2002, she completed the Diploma of Physiotherapy at the University of VŠ Kladno, and completed training in the social field with a focus on occupational therapy and nursing care in DD Severní Terasa in Ústí nad Labem.
Since 2002, she has been working as a physiotherapist at Kladno Regional Hospital a.s., a hospital of the Central Bohemian Region in both outpatient and inpatient areas; She completed practice in inpatient departments of clinical disciplines (ARO, internal medicine, surgery, neurology, orthopedics, gynecology); She also works with patients
in the inpatient rehabilitation department, which was established here as part of the stroke center in 2013; In the years 2014 - 2021, she worked in the position of head physiotherapist
In 2010, she obtained the certificate of Speech Preventionist, Speech Therapy Assistant in Mladá Boleslav.
In 2012, she completed training in the technique of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Stabilization with a certificate for application in clinical practice and education of people
within this concept.
Since 2012, she has been involved in teaching - teaching students in the PNF concept and supervising students during their practice in clinical settings.
Since 2013 he has been an assistant professor at UK FTVS, since 2018 lecturer in AJ at DPP
Since 2017 he has been presenting the PNF concept at the University of Antwerp as part of Erasmus
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and its use with people with disabilities and in sport
Physiotherapy standards for ON Kladno
Lecturing activities for the Bohdaneč Spa: 2015 - Physical activity in lower limb amputees, 2016 - Rehabilitation in a patient after stroke with a focus on gait training with the WalkAide system, 2018 - The role of physiotherapy in the treatment of a patient with transsexual disorder after surgery at FTM, 2019 - Plantar aponeurosis disorders due to improper footwear and functional overuse of the foot, 2020 - Soft tissue relaxation in the cervical spine using PNF and kinesiotape)