Special Offer for the Russian language courses in June 2014

Russian language school “Enjoy Russian” invites students from your University to visit Russia in the June 2014.  

Effective Russian course + Russian Homestay + Cultural Program + VolunteeringWe pay your attention that exactly in June we give our students discount! The price for 80 hours course is only 360 euros!Why in June?! because we want to present your students our own summerish Karelia! Karelia beautiful! Karelia amazing! Karelia charming!

Thanks to this program they will definitely fall in love with our wonderful region!

Just imagine!

► sightseeing the most remarkable places: pinewoods, clear rivers and lakes, green woodsides, diverse natural monuments like the waterfall "Kivach"

► feeling deeply the rural atmosphere of ancient Karelian villages, where people welcome every guest with the world-known Karelian hospitality!

► tasting true Karelian cuisine… Sounds great?! ;)

► spending  weekend on a lakeshore in a pinewood…  entrancing evening near the fire, singing hiking songs, enjoying remarkable time of White Nights, when  the sun is still high even deep in midnight…

Please send this information to your students and colleagues. In the attached file you will find an announcement to put on the information board.Feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

Information about us, you can find:



http://vk.com/enjoyrussian Kind regards,

Anastassia Chashchina,

coordinator of the program  

Enjoy Russian with our Russian Language school 


e-mail  info@enjoyrussian.com 

tel/fax +7 8142 78 11 30, 

mobile +7 911 400 58 54 

Krasnaya street, 30a, office 211

Petrozavodsk, 185035


Poslední změna: 24. leden 2018 12:53