Najdete zde
Dlouhodobý pracovní pobyt na University of Cambridge,
konzultace v ČR po individuální dohodě na
Základy antropomotoriky
Testy a měření v antropomotorice
Dissertation methodology
Studium asymetrií lidské motoriky, motorika Parkinsonovy nemoci a jiných neurodegenerativních nemocí
cientific monography in English
Štochl, J. (2013). Effects of ignoring clustered data structures in factor analysis with applications to psychiatry. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Štochl, J. (2012). Five essays on laterality. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
Štochl, J. (2008). Structure of motor symptoms of Parkinson´s disease. Prague: Karolinum.
Book chapters
Zvonař, M., Pavlík, J., Sebera, M., Vespalec, T., & Štochl, J. (2010). Vybrané kapitoly z antropomotoriky. Brno: Masarykova Univerzita.
Selected chapters on Anthropomotorics
In impacted journals
Štochl, J., Jones, Perez, J., Khandaker, G.M., Böhnke, J.R., Croudace, T. J. (2015). Effects of ignoring clustered data structure in confirmatory factor analysis of ordered polytomous items: a simulation study based on PANSS. Paper accepted for publication in International Journal of methods in Psychiatric Research.
Impact factor: 3.421, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Russo, D., Štochl, J., Painter, M., Jones, P., Perez, J. (2014). Substance use in people at clinical high-risk for psychosis. Paper accepted for publication in BMC Psychiatry.
Impact factor: 2.240, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Kirkbride, J., Štochl, J., Zimbron, J., Crane, C., Metastasio, A., Aguilar, E., Webster, R., Theegala, S., Kabacs, N., Jones, P., Perez, J. (2014). Social and spatial heterogeneity in psychosis proneness in a multilevel case-prodrome-control study. Paper accepted for publication in Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica.
Impact factor: 5.545, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Morcillo, C., Štochl, J., Russo, D., Zambrana, A., Ratnayake, N., Jones, P., Perez, J. (2014). First-Rank Symptoms and Premorbid Adjustment in Young Individuals at Increased Risk of Developing Psychosis. Paper accepted for publication in Psychopathology.
Impact factor: 1.557, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Khandaker, G., Štochl, J., Zammit, S., Lewis, G., Jones, P., (2014). A population-based Prospective Birth Cohort Study of Childhood Neurocognitive and Psychological Functioning in Healthy Survivors of Early Life Meningitis. Paper accepted for publication in Annals of Epidemiology.
Impact factor: 2.145, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Khandaker, G., Lewis, G., Goodyer, I.M., Zammit, S., Sullivan, S., Croudace, T.J., Perez, J., Jones, P., (2014). Mood, Anxiety and Psychotic Phenomena Measure a Common Psychopathological Factor. Paper accepted for publication in Psychological Medicine.
Impact factor: 5.428, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Russo, D., Štochl, J., Painter, M., Jones, P., Perez, J. (2014). Trauma history characteristics associated with mental states at clinical high risk for psychosis. Paper accepted for publication in Psychiatric Research.
Impact factor: 2.682, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Sullivan, S., Wiles, N., Kounali, D., Lewis, G., Heron, J., Cannon, M., Mahedy, L., Jones, P., Štochl, J., Zammit, S. (2014). The longitudinal associations between psychotic experiences and depressive symptoms in adolescents from a population sample. Paper accepted for publication in PLOS ONE.
Impact factor: 3.730, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Khandaker, G., Štochl, J., Zammit, S., Lewis, G., Jones, P. (2014). Childhood Epstein Barr Virus Infection and Subsequent Risk of Psychotic in Adolescence: a population-based prospective serological study Paper accepted for publication in Schizophrenia Research.
Impact factor: 4.590, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Bezdíček, O., Nikolai, T., Hoskovcová, M., Štochl, J., Brožová, H., Dušek, P., Zárubová, K., Jech, R., Růžička, E. (2014). Grooved pegboard predicates more of cognitive than motor involvement in Parkinson’s Disease. Assessment, 21(6), 723-730
Impact factor: 3.286, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Kounali, D., Zammit, S., Wiles, N., Sullivan, S., Cannon, M., Štochl, J., Jones, P., Mahedy, L., Gage, S.H., Heron, J., Lewis, G., (2014). Common and psychopathology-specific risk factors for psychotic experiences and depression during adolescence. Paper accepted for publication in Psychological Medicine, 44(15), 3229-3238.
Impact factor: 5.587, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 1 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Jones, P.B., Plaistow, J., Reininghaus, U., Priebe, S., Perez, J., Croudace, T.J. (2014). Multilevel ordinal factor analysis of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS). International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. 23(1), 25-35.
Impact factor: 2.462, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Khandaker, G.M., Štochl, J., Zammit, S., Lewis, G., Jones, P. (2013). A Population-based Longitudinal Study of Childhood Neurodevelopmental Disorders, IQ and Subsequent Risk of Psychotic Experiences in Adolescence. Psychological Medicine.
Impact factor: 5.587, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Amone-P’Olak, K.,Štochl, J.,Ovuga, E., Abbott, R., Meiser-Steadman, R., Croudace, T., Jones, P. (2013). Post-war Environment and Long-Term Mental Health Problems in Former Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda: The WAYS Study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 68(5), 425-430.
Impact factor: 3.192, number of citations: 2 (Web of science), 1 (Scopus)
Ersche, K. D., Štochl, J., Woodward, J. M., & Fletcher, P. C. (2013). The skinny on cocaine: Insights into eating behavior and body weight in cocaine-dependent men. Appetite, 71C, 75-80.
Impact factor: 2.541, number of citations: 2 (Web of science), 3 (Scopus)
Perez, J., Russo, D., Štochl, J., Byford, S., Zimbron, J., Graffy, J.P., Painter, M., Croudace, T., Jones, P. (2013). Comparison of high and low intensity contact between secondary and primary care to detect people at ultra-high risk for psychosis: Study protocol for a theory-based, cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials, 14(1).
Impact factor: 2.210, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Hui, Ch., Morcillo, C., Russo, D., Štochl, J., Shelley, G., Painter, M., Jones, P., Perez, J. (2013). Psychiatric Morbidity, Functioning and Quality of Life in Young People at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis). Schizophrenia Research, 148(1-3), 175-180.
Impact factor: 4.747, number of citations: 4 (Web of science), 3 (Scopus)
Zimbrón, J., de Azúa, S. R., Khandaker, G., Gandamaneni, P. K., Crane, C. González-Pinto, A., Štochl, J., Jones, P. B. and Pérez, J. (2013). Clinical and Sociodemographic Comparison of People at High-Risk for Psychosis and with First-Episode Psychosis. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 127(3), 210-216.
Impact factor: 4.220, number of citations: 2 (Web of science), 6 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Croudace, T., Perez, J., Birchwood, M., Lester, H., Marshall, M., et al. (2013). Usefulness of EQ-5D for evaluation of health related quality of life in young adults with first episode psychosis. Quality of Life Research, 22(5), 1055-1063.
Impact factor: 1.958, number of citations: 2 (Web of science), 2 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Croudace, T. (2013) Predictors of human rotation. Laterality, 18(3), 265-281.
Impact factor: 1.384, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Jones, P., Croudace, T. (2012) Mokken scale analysis of mental health and well-being questionnaire item responses: a non-parametric IRT method in empirical research for applied health researchers BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12(1):74.
Impact factor: 2.670, number of citations: 10 (Web of science), 10 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Croudace, T., Brožová, H., Klempíř, J., Roth, J., & Růžička, E. (2012) Changes of hand preference in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neural Transmission, 119(6), 693-696. Impact factor: 2.597, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Russo, D., Štochl, J., Croudace, T.J., Graffy, J.P., Jouens, J., Jones, P.B., Perez, J. (2012). Use of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to assess factors influencing the identification of individuals at ultra high-risk for psychosis in Primary Care. Early intervention in psychiatry, 6(3), 265-275.
Impact factor: 1.169, number of citations: 1 (Web of science), 1 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Klempíř, J., & Roth, J. (2011). Reply: CAG repeat size in the normal HTT allele and age of onset in Huntington's disease. [Letter]. Movement disorders, 26(13), 2451-2451.
Impact factor: 4.505, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus)
Hulejová, H., Levitová, A., Kuklová, M., Štochl, J., Haluzík, M., Pavelka, K., (2011). No effect of physiotherapy on the serum levels of adipocytokines in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Clinical Rheumatology, 31(1), 67-71.
Impact factor: 1.996, number of citations: 7 (Web of science), 7 (Scopus)
Kabacs, N., Memon, A., Obinwa, T., Štochl, J., & Perez, J. (2011). Lithium in drinking water and suicide rates across the East of England. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 198(5), 406-407.
Impact factor: 6.619, number of citations: 10 (Web of science), 13 (Scopus)
Brožová, H., Štochl, J., Klempíř, J., Kuchařík, M., Růžička, E., & Roth, J. (2011). A sensitivity comparison of clinical tests for postural instability in patients with Huntington’s disease. Gait&Posture. 34(2), 245-247.
Impact factor: 2.123, number of citations: 2 (Web of science), 1 (Scopus)
Klempíř, J., Židovská, J., Štochl, J., Kebrdlová, V., Uhrová, T., & Roth, J. (2011). The number of CAG repeats within the normal allele does not influence the age of onset in Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders, 26(1), 125-129.
Impact factor: 4.505, number of citations: 8 (Web of science), 9 (Scopus)
Říčan, P. R., Lukavský, J., Janošová, P., & Štochl, J. (2010). Spirituality of American and Czech students – a cross-cultural comparison. Studia Psychologica, 52(3), 243-251.
Impact factor: 0.175, number of citations: 0 (Web of science), 0 (Scopus), 1 (other)
Bezdíček, O., Balabánová, P., Havránková, P., Štochl, J., Roth, J., & Růžička, E. (2010). A Comparison of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment - Czech Version to the Mini Mental State in Identifying Cognitive Deficits in Parkinson’s Disease. Ceska a Slovenska Neurologie a Neurochirurgie, 73(2), 150-156.
Impact factor: 0.319, number of citations: 6 (Web of science), 9 (Scopus)
Brožová, H., Štochl, J., Roth, J., & Růžička, E. (2009). Fear of Falling Has Greater Influence Than Other Aspects of Gait Disorders on Quality of Life in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 30(4), 453-457.
Impact factor: 1.359, number of citations: 13 (Web of science), 15 (Scopus)
Klempíř, J., Klempířová, O., Štochl, J., Špačková, N., & Roth, J. (2009). The relationship between impairment of voluntary movements and cognitive impairment in Huntington's disease. Journal of Neurology, 256(10), 1629-1633.
Impact factor: 2.477, number of citations: 6 (Web of science), 7 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Hagtvet, K. A., Brožová, H., Klempíř, J., Roth, J., & Růžička, E. (2009). Handedness does not predict side of onset of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 24(12), 1836-1839.
Impact factor: 4.014, number of citations: 9 (Web of science), 8 (Scopus)
Štochl, J., Boomsma, A., van Duijn, M., Růžička, E., & Brožová, H. (2008). Mokken scale analysis of the UPDRS: Dimensionality of the Motor Section revisited. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 29(1), 151-158.
Impact factor: 1.359, number of citations: 1 (Web of science), 1 (Scopus), 4 (other)
Štochl, J., Boomsma, A., Růžička, E., Brožová, H., & Blahuš, P. (2008). On the Structure of Motor Symptoms of Parkinson´s Disease. Movement Disorders, 23(9), 1307-1312.
Impact factor: 3.898, number of citations: 17 (Web of science), 17 (Scopus)
Abstracts in impacted journals
Růžička, E., Hoskovcová, M., Brožová, H., Dušek, P., Bezdíček, O., Jech, R., Zárubová, K., Štochl, J., Roth, J. (2012). Prediction of falls in advanced Parkinson's disease: quantitative analysis of gait and balance is not helpful. European Journal of Neurology, 19, 699-699.
Impact factor: 3.692
Turton, A., Štochl, J., Croudace, T., & Ersche, K. D. (2011). Measuring control beliefs in drug addiction. European Neuropsychopharmacology,21, S586-S586.
Impact factor: 4.201
Brožová, H., Barnaure, I., Růžička, E., Štochl, J., Alterman, R., & Tagliati, M. (2010). Short and long-term effects of DBS on gait and other symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders, 25(7), 768.
Impact factor: 4.014
Klempíř, J., Vymazal, J., Jech, R., Zidovska, J., Syka, M., Keller, J., Kuchařík, M., Štochl, J., Roth, J. (2010). The iron content in brains in Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders, 25(7), S273-S273.
Impact factor: 4.014
Brožová, H., Štochl, J., Roth, J., & Růžička, E. (2009, Jun 07-11). Fear of falling has a greater influence than other aspects of gait disorders on quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease, Paris, FRANCE.
Impact factor: 3.898
Štochl, J., Hagtvet, K. A., Brožová, H., Klempíř, J., Roth, J., & Růžička, E. (2009, Jun 07-11). Side of onset of motor symptoms cannot be predicted from premorbid handedness of patients with Parkinson's disease, Paris, FRANCE.
Impact factor: 3.898
Klempíř, J., Klempířová, O., Štochl, J., Špačková, N., & Roth, J. (2008). Relationship between impairment of voluntary movements and short-term memory in Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders, 23(1), S185-S186
Impact factor: 3.898
Brožová, H., Kuchařík, M., Štochl, J., Klempíř, J., Růžička, E., & Roth, J. (2008). A sensitivity comparison of clinical tests of postural instability in patients with Huntington's disease. Movement Disorders, 23(1), S189-S189.
Impact factor: 3.898
Klempíř, J., Klempířová, O., Štochl, J., Špačková, N., & Roth, J. (2008). Relationship between impairment of voluntary movements and short-term memory in Huntington's disease. [Meeting Abstract]. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 79, A14-A14.
Impact factor: 4.622
Brožová, H., Kuchařík, M., Štochl, J., Klempíř, J., Růžička, E., & Roth, J. (2008). A sensitivity comparison of clinical tests of postural instability in patients with Huntington's disease. [Meeting Abstract]. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 79, A16-A16.
Impact factor: 4.622
Brožová, H., Štochl, J., & Růžička, E. (2008). Gait disorders substantially infuence the quality of life in patients with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 14, S45-S45
Impact factor: 1.907
In international reviewed journals
Štochl, J., Croudace, T. (2013). Mokken Scaling analysis of Revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R) psychiatric status rating scales in a nationally representative sample: the 2007 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey of England. Paper accepted for publication in Journal of Addiction Medicine & Therapy.
number of citations:0
Ersche, K., Turton, A., Croudace, T., Štochl, J. (2012). Who do you think is in control in addiction? - A pilot study on drug-related Locus of Control beliefs. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 11(4), 195-205.
Štochl, J., Boomsma A., Tomešová, E., Kovář, K. (2006). Structural equation model of motor symptoms of Parkinson´s disease. Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism, 13(Supplement), 99-103.
In Czech reviewed journal
Štochl, J., Croudace, T. (2012). On the measurement level of handedness scores. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologicae, 48(2), 179-188.
number of citations:0
Štochl, J., Croudace, T. (2012). On the number of handedness groups. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologicae, 48(2), 164-178.
number of citations:0
Štochl, J., Zhu, W. (2011). Influence of Categorisation on Internal Structure of Exercise Barrier Inventory. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologicae, 47(1), 5-15.
number of citations:0
Musálek, M., Štochl, J., (2010). A means of field diagnostics of motor manifestation of laterality and its flaws Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologicae, 46(2), 85-92.
number of citations: 1
Štochl, J., Musálek, M. (2009). A practical guide to pilot standardization of tests. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologicae, 45(2), 5-15.
number of citations:1
Pecha, O., Štochl, J., Hagtvet K.A., Čechovská, I. (2009). Generalizability of assessing fundamental aquatic skills in preschool children: a three facet design. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologicae. 45(2), 119-131.
number of citations:0
Šmídová, J., Hátlová, B., & Štochl, J. (2008). Global self-esteem in older adults participating in regular motor activites. Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomoucensis, 38(4), 31-37.
number of citations:2
Koudelková, A., Štochl, J. (2008). Ověření faktorové struktury dimenzí kvality života pomocí metody strukturálního modelování. Česká Kinantropologie, 12(1), 49-62.
number of citations: 1
Štochl, J. (2007). Evaluating Model Invariance In Several Populations: The Example Of Multi-Sample Factor Analysis For Polytomous Data. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica. 42(2), 5-15.
number of citations: 0
Štochl, J. (2007). Nonparametric extension of item response theory models and its usefulness for assessment of dimensionality of motor tests. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica. 42(1), 75-94.
number of citations: 0
Tomešová, E., Štochl, J. (2007). Cross-Cultural Validity and Reliability of the Czech version of Physical Self-Perception Profile. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica. 42(1), 55-62.
number of citations: 0
Štochl, J., Čechovská, I., & Pavelková, V. (2005). Evaluation of the scale of swimming skills for preschool children. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica, 41(1), 87-98.
number of citations: 0
Conference papers
Štochl, J. (2005). The Unified Parkinson´s Disease Rating Scale: Factor structure of the Motor Section during the „on“state. In: Mladí Evropané ve vědě.
Čechovská, I., Soukup, D., Štochl, J. (2004). Vazba mezi nespecifickými testy a plaveckým výkonem: In: Problematika plavání a plaveckých sportů, ed. Čechovská, I. Prague: Karolinum.
Relationship between nonspecific tests and swimming performance.
Štochl, J. (2003) Příspěvek ke standardizaci škály hodnotící stupeň adaptace na vodní prostředí u předškolních dětí: In: Problematika plavání a plaveckých sportů, ed. Čechovská, I. Praha: Karolinum.
Contribution to standardisation of the scale for assessment of adaptation for water environment.
Štochl, J. (2002). Ke standardizaci škály určené pro plavání předškolních dětí. Tělesná výchova a sport mládeže, 68, 23-28.
Evaluation of the scale used for swimming of preschool children.
Štochl, J. (2002). Příspěvek ke standardizaci škály pro hodnocení plaveckých dovedností předškolních dětí. In: Tělesná výchova a sport - Euroregion NISA, Liberec.
Contribution to the standardisation of the scale of swimming skills for preschool children
Štochl, J. (2002). Zhodnocení objektivity a reliability škály hodnotící stupeň adaptace na vodní prostředí u předškolních dětí: In: Online sborník studentské vědecké konference UK FTVS “I mladí vědci mají své dny.” Praha., cit.30.9.2004.
Preliminary assessment of objectivity and reliability of the scale used for evaluation of adaptation to water environment in preschool children.
Štochl, J. (2002). Orientační zhodnocení objektivity a reliability škály hodnotící stupeň adaptace na vodní prostředí u předškolních dětí: In: Sborník univerzitní studentské vědecké konference UK. Praha.
Preliminary assessment of objectivity and reliability of the scale used for evaluation of adaptation to water environment in preschool children.
Other publications
Štochl, J. (2013). Five essays on laterality. Unpublished Associate professor thesis, Charles University, Prague, CZ.
Štochl, J. (2012). Effects of ignoring clustered data structures in factor analysis with applications to psychiatry. Unpublished MPhil thesis, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
Štochl, J. (2005). Structure of motor symptoms of Parkinson´s Disease. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Charles University, Prague, CZ
Štochl, J. (2002). Škály pro hodnocení plavecké úrovně předškolních dětí. Unpublished diploma thesis, Charles University, Prague, CZ